
기본 구문

Create Index

  • create_index([(‘index_name’, order)])

    • Creates an index on this collection.

      my_collection.create_index([(‘address’, 1)])

Show Index

  • index_information()

    • Get information on collections’s indexes.


Drop Index

  • drop_index ([(‘index_name’, order)])

    • Drops the specified index on this collection.

    • To drop all indexes on this collection, use drop_indexes().

      my_collection.drop_index([(‘address’, 1)])

Compound Index

  • Create indexes on more than one field.

  • my_collection.create_index([
    (‘name’, pymongo.DESCENDING),
    (‘address’, pymongo.ASCENDING)])

PyMongo에서 가독성을 위해 값을 제공하고 있다. 아래는 같은 뜻으로 이해하면 되겠다.

pymongo.ASCENDING = 1, pymongo.DESCENDING = -1

Indexing on Embedded Document

  • Embedded document와 Array에 인덱스를 사용하기 위해서는 아래와 같은 구문으로 사용하면 된다. 개념은 똑같기 때문에 이해하는 것에는 무리없을 것으로 보인다.

  • Indexes can be created on keys in embedded documents.

    collection.create_index([('parent.child', pymongo.ASCENDING)])
  • To use the index to search for specific array elements efficiently.

    collection.create_index([('', pymongo.DESCENDING)])

Indexing Option

Unique Indexes

  • Unique indexes guarantee that each value will appear at most once in the index

    collection.create_index([('key_1', 1)], unique=True)

Sparse Indexes

  • Sparse indexes only contain entries for documents that have the indexed field skipping documents without it

    collection.create_index([('key_2', 1)], sparse=True)

Unique & Sparse

  • Unique indexes guarantee that each value will appear at most once in the index

    collection.create_index([(key_3', 1)], unique=True, sparse=True)


  • To override MongoDB’s default index selection and query optimization process.

    collection.find().sort([('key_4', 1)]).hint([('key_4', 1)])

Last updated