
Exercise 1

  • Create a geospatial index (2dsphere) for the states collection

    • Get information on states collection’s indexes

      {'_id_': {'key': [('_id', 1)], 'ns': 'geo.states', 'v': 2}, 
      {'2dsphereIndexVersion': 3, 'key': [('loc', '2dsphere')], 'ns': 'geo.states', 'v': 2}}
  • Remove the geospatial index from the states collection

    • Get information on states collection’s indexes

      {'_id_': {'v': 2, 'key': [('_id', 1)], 'ns': ‘geo.states'}}

Exercise 2

  • Use the restaurant collection in the geo database

  1. Create a valid query and print the query plan using executionStats•Find documents between '10200‘ and '10280‘ in zipcode

  2. Create an index to zipcode (Hint: Embedded Document)

  3. Execute #1, again.

  • No Index

      "executionStats" : {
                    "executionTimeMillis" : 11,
                    "totalKeysExamined" : 0,
                    "totalDocsExamined" : 25359,
                    "nReturned": 21,
  • Indexed

     "executionStats" : {
                    "executionTimeMillis" : 0,
                    "totalKeysExamined" : 21,
                    "totalDocsExamined" : 21,
                    "nReturned": 21,

  • Use the restaurant collection in the geo database

  1. Create a query and print the query plan using executionStats•Find documents that have at least the grade is ‘B’ in the grades.grade field.

  2. Create an index to grade (Hint: Indexing on Array)

  3. Execute #1, again.

  • No Index

     "executionStats" : {
                    "executionTimeMillis" : 17,
                    "totalKeysExamined" : 0,
                    "totalDocsExamined" : 25359,
                    "nReturned": 8280,
  • Indexed

     "executionStats" : {
                    "executionTimeMillis" : 13,
                    "totalKeysExamined" : 8280,
                    "totalDocsExamined" : 8280,
                    "nReturned": 8280,

Exercise 3

  • Find international airports in the state that has the above zip code (10044)

    • Sorting the name in ascending order

    • Print state’s name and airport name each.

      • Hint: states and small_zip collections

      [{'name': 'Albany County'}, 
      {'name': 'Greater Buffalo Intl'}, 
      {'name': 'Greater Rochester International'}, 
      {'name': 'John F Kennedy Intl'}, 
      {'name': 'La Guardia'}, 
      {'name': 'Massena Intl'}, 
      {'name': 'Niagara Falls Intl'}, 
      {'name': 'Ogdensburg Intl'}, 
      {'name': 'Stewart Intl'}, 
      {'name': 'Syracuse Hancock Intl'}, 
      {'name': 'Watertown International'}] 
  • Find Korean restaurants that are located at less 2km from international airports.

    • Warn: should create 2dsphere index to address for restaurants collection.

  • Find states that are intersect to the flight path (trajectory).

    • Print names including source and destination states.

  • Make Geojson format whose type is LineString.

    • Find the two coordinates (LAX, DTW) Result

  • Result

    [{'name': 'Arizona'},
    {'name': 'California'},
    {'name': 'Colorado'},
    {'name': 'Illinois'},
    {'name': 'Iowa'},
    {'name': 'Kansas'},
    {'name': 'Michigan'},
    {'name': 'Nebraska'}, 
    'name': 'Nevada'},
    {'name': 'Utah'}]

Exercise 4

  • Using the restaurants collection.

  • Find restaurants whose names include "Kimchi".

  • Print only name, zipcodeand address

    { "zipcode" : 11231, "address" : "Smith Street 478" }
    { "zipcode" : 11238, "address" : "Washington Avenue 766" }
    { "zipcode" : 10036, "address" : "West 48 Street 18-20" }

  • Using the restaurants and states collections.

  • Find restaurants that have "NolbuRestaurant"(restaurants collection)

  • Print the state (states collection)

    New York

  • Using restaurants.json

  • Among the "Korean" restaurants, find a restaurant that has "Ramen"but "Izakaya“.

  • Then, find a restaurant near above restaurant in 150m.

    { '_id' : ObjectId('5c8626739f44c9f6768035da'),
      'address' : {'building' : '8', 'coord': [-73.9916305, 40.7247106],
                   'street': 'Extra Pl', 'zipcode': '10003'},
      'borough': 'Manhattan',
      'cuisine': 'Japanese',
      'grades': [{'date': datetime.datetime(2015, 1, 20, 0, 0),
                   'grade': 'Not Yet Graded',
                   'score': 21}],
      'name': 'Ko Ep, Llc',
      'restaurant_id': '50015854'}

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