
An exercises about find() operation

Exercise 1


  • Import people.json into lab4.people (i.e. database name is lab4 and collection name is people)

$ mongoimport -d lab4 -c people people.json


  • Find the documents whose age under 22.

  • Find the documents whose age is between 22 and 26 (inclusive).

  • Find the document whose name is “Lee” suppressing the profile.

  • Find the documents whose name is not Lee.

  • Find the documents whose name is “Lee” or “Park”.

  • Find the documents whose name is not “Kim” or “Park” or “Lee”.

Exercise 2


  • Import inventory.json into lab4.inventory


  • Find documents where the tags field contains below elements.

    • appliance, school, and book.

    • Hint: recall $all operator

  • Find all documents but select at most three items in the tags field.

    • Hint: recall $slice operator

  • Find all documents but select items from the second to the fourth in the tags field.

    • Hint: recall $slice operator with [skip, limit]

  • Find documents that have brown color in the qty field.

    • Hint: recall $elemMatch operator

Exercise 3


  • Import store.json to the store collection


  • Find documents where buyer's name is "J.S. Lee"

    • Hint: Querying embedded document.

  • Print purchased items where a name in a document is "iPhone Xs"

    • Hint: Querying embedded document, Projection

  • Print the buyer’s purchase method where items contain the document that price is more than 2000$

    • Hint: < array.field >, Projection

  • Find documents that don’t have carrier as key in attribute where the name is "Apple Watch Series 4"

    • Hint: $elemMatch, $exists

Exercise 4


  • Import store.json to the store collection

    • Same with Exercise 3!


  • Find documents where buyer's name is "J.S. Lee"

    • Hint: Querying embedded document.

  • Print purchased items where a name in a document is "iPhone Xs".

    • Hint: Querying embedded document, Projection

  • Print the buyer’s purchase method where items contain the document that price is more than 2000$.

    • Hint: <array.field>, Projection

  • Find documents that don’t have carrier as key in attribute where the name is "Apple Watch Series 4"

    • Hint: $elemMatch, $exists

Exercise 5


  • Import store.json to the store collection

    • Same with Exercise 3!


  • Get the first three documents and print buyers field only.

  • Skip a document and then print two documents

  • Count documents in the store collection.

Exercise 6


  • Using grade.json (import it using mongoimport)


  • The grade’s document can have among three types:

    • quiz, exam or homework

  • Student id (sid) is from 0 to 99

  • A document is lost, which contains a quiz score 1. print lost document’s sid. 2. Insert the quiz score (80) to the corresponding sid 3. print the three students that have the highest quiz score.

  • A simple example of the dataset looks like ...

{"sid": 0, "type": "homework", "score": 69}
{"sid": 0, "type": "quiz" , "score": 29}
{"sid": 0, "type": "exam", "score": 86}
{"sid": 1, "type": "homework", "score": 2}
{"sid": 1, "type": "quiz" , "score": 6}
{"sid": 1, "type": "exam", "score": 67}
{"sid": 2, "type": "homework", "score": 13}
{"sid": 2, "type": "quiz" , "score": 91}
{"sid": 2, "type": "exam", "score": 76}

Exercise 7


  • Using grade.json (import it using mongoimport)

    • Same with exercise 6


  • Write the score searching script

    • Search documents by filtering type and score fields


search > homework 13
sid homework
2 13
74 13
search > quiz 41-49
sid quiz
10 46
17 48
19 44
96 49
98 41

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