insert() exercises
Insert one document to pypeople collection
_id:0, name: Jisu, age: 24
Insert multiple document
_id: 1, name: Deayoung, age: 51
_id: 2, name: Youngjin, age: 24
Print all documents
find() Exercises
Exercise 1
(i.e. database name islab4
and collection name ispeople
Find the documents whose age under 22.
Find the documents whose age is between 22 and 26 (inclusive).
Find the document whose name is “Lee” suppressing the profile.
Find the documents whose name is not Lee.
Find the documents whose name is “Lee” or “Park”.
Find the documents whose name is not “Kim” or “Park” or “Lee”.
Exercise 2
into lab4.inventory
Find documents where the tags field contains below elements.
appliance, school, and book.
Hint: recall
Find all documents but select at most three items in the tags field.
Hint: recall
Find all documents but select items from the second to the fourth in the tags field.
Hint: recall
operator with[skip, limit]
Find documents that have brown color in the qty field.
Hint: recall
Exercise 3
to the store collection
Find documents where buyer's name is "J.S. Lee"
Hint: Querying embedded document.
Print purchased items where a name in a document is "iPhone Xs"
Hint: Querying embedded document, Projection
Print the buyer’s purchase method where items contain the document that price is more than 2000$
Hint: < array.field >, Projection
Find documents that don’t have carrier as key in attribute where the name is "Apple Watch Series 4"
Exercise 4
to the store collectionSame with Exercise 3!
Find documents where buyer's name is "J.S. Lee"
Hint: Querying embedded document.
Print purchased items where a name in a document is "iPhone Xs".
Hint: Querying embedded document, Projection
Print the buyer’s purchase method where items contain the document that price is more than 2000$.
, Projection
Find documents that don’t have carrier as key in attribute where the name is "Apple Watch Series 4"
Exercise 5
to the store collectionSame with Exercise 3!
Get the first three documents and print buyers field only.
Skip a document and then print two documents
Count documents in the store collection.
Exercise 6
(import it using mongoimport)
The grade’s document can have among three types:
quiz, exam or homework
Student id (sid) is from 0 to 99
A document is lost, which contains a quiz score 1. print lost document’s sid. 2. Insert the quiz score (80) to the corresponding sid 3. print the three students that have the highest quiz score.
A simple example of the dataset looks like ...
Exercise 7
(import it using mongoimport)Same with exercise 6
Write the score searching script
Search documents by filtering type and score fields
update() Exercise
Set a 'location' field to 'Seoul' to a document.
The document has a 'name‘, 'Deayoung‘.
Set a 'location' field to 'Suwon' to documents.
The documents have a 'age‘, 24.
delete() exercise
Delete documents
Remove documents that have a 'location‘, 'Suwon‘.
Print all documents
explain() Exercise
Print a query plan using executionStats corresponding to the query that finds writer, Kim.
Using blog.json
Use a ex1 database and imdb collection.
We are going to make a movie database like IMDb.
Each movie has following information.
title: String
director: String
genre: List(String)
score: Double
Insert a movie
Write a script that inserts movie information to a movie collection.
Type the movie information as follows:
Movie Title: Avengers: Infinity War
Director: Anthony Russo and Joe Russo
Genre: Action, Adventure, Drama
score: 8.6
[INFO] Success to insert!
Plain: Terminal output
Bold: User input
Hint: use a input() function
Confirm that the insertion is operated properly.
Print only movie’s title(s)
Insert three movies more. Use insert_many
Movie Title: Bohemian Rhapsody
Director: Bryan Singer
Genre: Biography, Drama, Music
score: 8.1
Quit (Y/n)? n
Movie Title: Happy Death Day 2U
Director: Christopher Landon
Genre: Drama, Horror, Mystery
score: 6.6
Quit (Y/n)? n
Movie Title: Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse
Director: Bob Persichetti, Peter Ramsey
Genre: Animation, Action, Adventure
score: 8.6
Quit (Y/n)? Y
[INFO] Success to insert!
Confirm that the insertion is operated properly.
Print only movie’s title(s)
Update movie information
Querying movie title and update the information
[INFO] Enter the information which you want to edit
Movie Title: Avengers: Infinity War
Director: Anthony Russo and Joe Russo
Genre: Action, Adventure, Drama
score: 8.6
[INFO] Success to update!
Plain: Terminal output
Bold: query
Italic: update
Print all documents
Remove movie (Plain: Output, Bold: User input)
Remove a document
[INFO] Enter the title which you want to remove
Movie Title: Happy Death Day 2U
[INFO] Are you sure? (Y/n) Y
[INFO] Deleted
Exercise 1
Again, print a query plan using executionStats corresponding to the query that finds a writer, Kim.
Create the compound index on id in descending order and writer in ascending order.
Drop all indexes on the blog collection.
Exercise 2
Index 생성
Create a unique index to doc_id in ascending order
Try to build a unique index to line_num
Create a sparse index to intersect in ascending order
Create a unique and sparse index to intersect_id in ascending order
Check the index information
Compare the results below two cases. (metro collection)
Show the first two documents, sorting with doc_id in ascending order.
Using intersect index by hint(), show the first two documents
Sort doc_id in ascending order
Use explain() above each case (executionStats).
No Index
GeoSpatial Index
Exercise 1
Create a geospatial index (2dsphere) for the states collection
Get information on states collection’s indexes
Remove the geospatial index from the states collection
Get information on states collection’s indexes
Exercise 2
Use the restaurant collection in the geo database
Create a valid query and print the query plan using executionStats•Find documents between '10200‘ and '10280‘ in zipcode
Create an index to zipcode (Hint: Embedded Document)
Execute #1, again.
No Index
Use the restaurant collection in the geo database
Create a query and print the query plan using executionStats•Find documents that have at least the grade is ‘B’ in the grades.grade field.
Create an index to grade (Hint: Indexing on Array)
Execute #1, again.
No Index
Exercise 3
Find international airports in the state that has the above zip code (10044)
Sorting the name in ascending order
Print state’s name and airport name each.
Hint: states and small_zip collections
Find Korean restaurants that are located at less 2km from international airports.
Warn: should create 2dsphere index to address for restaurants collection.
Find states that are intersect to the flight path (trajectory).
Print names including source and destination states.
Make Geojson format whose type is LineString.
Find the two coordinates (LAX, DTW) Result
Exercise 4
Using the restaurants collection.
Find restaurants whose names include "Kimchi".
Print only name, zipcodeand address
Using the restaurants and states collections.
Find restaurants that have "NolbuRestaurant"(restaurants collection)
Print the state (states collection)
Using restaurants.json
Among the "Korean" restaurants, find a restaurant that has "Ramen"but "Izakaya“.
Then, find a restaurant near above restaurant in 150m.
Text Index
Exercise 1
Using restaurants
Build a text index to the 'name' field.
Find restaurants whose names include 'Kyochon‘ Use text index
Print only borough and name fields
Exercise 2
Take a look the index information in map and countries collections.
Find universities in Korea.
Get geometry information in the countries collection.
keyword -properties.admin: “South Korea”
Return ten documents with sorting by “properties.name”, and show the name only.
Note that there is no ‘properties.name’ in a document; therefore, remove the document.
Search the ‘properties.name’ that includes ‘서울대입구’
Using regular expression ($regex) or a text index.
Sort properties.name in ascending order and display only a name field as below.
Aggregation Framework
Exercise 1
Use restaurants.json
Using aggregation framework, print documents below.
1. Find Korean cuisine
2. Group by borough and count the cuisines.
Exercise 2
Using aggregation framework, print documents below.
1. Find Korean cuisine
2. Unwind grades
3. Group by borough and grade in grades, and count the document
4. Sort by count and print five documents
Exercise 3
Find international airports in California using aggregate framework
states collection
Get the California location (Polygon)
airports collection
Find “intl” in name field (text)
Find airports in the California
Project name, type and code (w/o _id)
Sort by name (ascending order) and code (descending order)
Exercise 4
Find Korean restaurants that are located at less 2km from international airports (use the type field).
Warn: should create 2dsphere index to address for restaurants collection.
Exercise 5
Print the average, minimum, and maximum of passengers(ride_pasgr_numfield) of each subway line.
Hint: group by the ‘line_num’ field and use $max, $min, and $avg.
Exercise 6
Print the total number of passengers (ride_pasgr_numfield) during 2017-12-21 ~ 2017-12-28.
‘use_dt’ is a stringtype.
Hint: use $match,$gt$lt, $sum, $sort
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