Insert & Delete
Insert documents into people (lab2 database).
Confirm the insertion by db.people.find()
Delete a document whose name is Jung.
Using db.collection_name.remove()
exercise 1
Use the people collection in lab2
Replace a document that has the name Lee to
The name is Lim and the age is 25
Update a document that has the name Kim, setting age to 20
Remove the skills field in a document that has the name Park
Decrease the score field by 2 in a document that has the name Choi
exercise 2
Insert the document into posts collection in lab3.
{"name" : "Lee", "content" : "Hello I'm Lee"}
Add a comments key containing an array.
{"comments" : {"name" : "Kim", "content" : "Good posts.", "votes" : 0}}
Add multiple comments.
{"comments" : {"name" : "Choi", "content" : "How is it going?", "votes" : 1}}
{"comments" : {"name" : "David", "content" : "I'm David, What's up?", "votes" : 2}}
{"comments" : {"name" : "Jung", "content" : "Glad to hear that", "votes" : 3}}
exercise 3
Insert the document into users collection in lab3.
{"name" : "Joe", "emails" : ["joe@naver.com", "joe@gmail.com", "joe@yahoo.com"]}
Add other addresses using $addToSet to prevent duplicates.
{"emails" : "joe@gmail.com"}
{"emails" : "joe@hotmail.com"}
exercise 4
Use the users collection in lab3.
Remove first element of joe's emails using $pop.
Remove the element "joe@naver.com" of joe's emails using $pull.
exercise 5
Use the posts collection in lab3.
Set the votes’ value of the second comment of Lee’s post to 2.
Set the votes’ value of the Kim’s comment of Lee’s post to 5 using the position operator.
exercise 6
Insert documents into people in lab3.
{"name" : "Kim", "age" : 21, "profile" : "Hello I’m Kim"},
{"name" : "Lee", "age" : 22 , "profile" : "Hello I’m Lee"},
{"name" : "Jung", "age" : 22 , "profile" : "Hello I'm Jung"},
{"name" : "Park", "age" : 26 , "profile" : "Hello I'm Park"}
Set all the documents’ profile value in people collections to “Your account have been hacked!”
exercise 1
Use the people collection in lab3
Find the document whose age is 22.
Find the document whose name is Lee except the profile
exercise 2
Use the people collection in lab3.
Find the documents whose age is between 22 and 26.
Find the documents whose name is not Lee.
exercise 3
Use the people collection in lab3
Find the documents whose name is "Lee" or "Jung".
Find the documents whose name is not "Kim" or "Park" or "Jung".
exercise 4
Import blog.json into the blog collection in lab4
Find documents
The language includes both Korean and English
Display a document slicing two comments
The document’s title is Big data
exercise 5
Use the blog collection in lab4
Find a document as following conditions
The writer’s first name is Ki
The language is Korean
Find documents that have Kim’s comment
Only for an array
Regardless of an array
exercise 6
Import sales.json into the sales collection in lab4
Print all documents using cursor methods
Sorting amount values in ascending order and then _id in descending order
Display three documents whose amount is less than 40
Skip two documents sorted by amount in descending order
Counting documents whose category of item is Home
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