Mongo Shell과 같이 CRUD를 지원하기 위해 문법들이 존재한다.
문법은 Syntax Section에서도 언급했듯이 규칙만 알면 그나마 쉽게 암기가 가능하다.
insert_one: insert a one single document
insert_many: insert multiple documents
An empty query document (i.e. {}) matches everything in the collection.
Add key/value pairs to restrict the search.
Pass a second argument to specify which keys to return/exclude (Projection).
In PyMongo, sort() method must pass parameter as tuple
The Syntax of Sort, Skip, and Limit are almost same as Mongo Shell
Sort Syntax
In pymongo, sort() method must pass parameter as tuple
Skip, Limit Syntax
MongoDB always performs in the order of sort first, skip second, and limit
Note that below two queries return the same answer.
Count documents in the store collection.
Provides information on the query plan for find() method.
In PyMongo, explain() returns a dictionary.
Use a key, ‘executionStats’.
update_one: Updates a single document within the collection based on the query.
update_many: Updates multiple documents within the collection based on the query.
The syntax is identical to update documents between Mongo shell and Pymongo.
Note that Pymongo uses a dictionary as a document in MongoDB.
Warn: Update operators must be written with ' or " , e.g., '$pull‘
If upsert is True and no documents match the filter, perform an insert.
delete_one: remove a document.
delete_many: remove documents.
Last updated