Text Index

Text Index

  • Create a text index on one field

  • db.collection.createIndex( { 'field': 'text'} )
  • Create text indexes on multiple fields

    db.collection.createIndex( { 'field_1': 'text', 'field_2': 'text' } )
  • Specify the weight of an indexed

    	{ 'field_1': 'text', 'field_2': 'text'},
    	{weights :{ 'field_1' : 3, 'field_2' : 2 } })

Text Search Operator

  • Search

    db.collection.find( { '$text': {'$search' : 'VALUE' } } } )
    db.collection.find( { '$text': {'$search' : ' \"VALUE\" ' } } } )		# Phrase
    db.collection.find( { '$text': {'$search' : ' \"VALUE_1\" \"VALUE_2\" ' } } } )	# AND
    db.collection.find( { '$text': {'$search' : '  VALUE_1 -VALUE_2 ' } } } )	# Exclude
  • Search with options

    db.collection.find( { '$text': {'$search' : 'VALUE', '$caseSensitive' : True } } } )	# Case sensitive
    db.collection.find( { '$text': {'$search' : 'VALUE', '$language' : 'en' } } } )	# Specify a language
  • Include a score field

    db.collection.find( { '$text': {'$search' : 'VALUE' } }, { 'score' : { '$meta' : 'textScore' } } ) 
    db.collection.find( { '$text': {'$search' : 'VALUE' } }, { 'score' : { '$meta' : 'textScore' } } )	\
    		.sort( {'score': {'$meta': 'textScore’}} )	# With sorting

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